Monday, 28 September 2015

Proposal; Part 2

Describe your idea for the brief:
The genre of my magazine is going to be a cultural magazine but solely based on fashion. I will still advertise things such as festival, gigs, car meets etc on the contents page.
I'll have 4 pages, including contents and front cover that will display my knowledge on the subjects of fashion, gigs, music etc.  I will be using Photoshop, which will be the main programme that I will use to create my product. My magazine needs to target the North East with it being a regional magazine, but I want it to juxtapose all other cultural magazines. I will apply the typical conventions that you see on magazines; a masthead and a colour scheme. I want the colours to be dull (black and white) to give a professional and glamorous feel to the magazine. I will make sure to use specific text and images that I know will attract my target audience.

Genre/ sub genre:
 I would like my magazine to be based around fashion and upcoming cultural events. This will be shown through the style of my magazine, Therefore I will research into fashion, and popular regional culture magazines to get an idea on styles of text in order to create a layout and style that will fit in with my topic of magazine.
Target audience:
 My primary audience will most likely be females for this issue being based on fashion, but I want to include males, from the ages 16+. I feel that this is a better audience with me being the same age, as I will already have knowledge on what this age of teenagers enjoy doing beyond their education. 
Original images:
My original images may vary; I have some images already from gigs, car events and skating outings so I will use these within my contents page. I want to use a male and female model for my DPS to show the latest fashion. I want the facial expressions and paralinguistic features to be different for each image and to see what will work best.
Potential difficulties:
Potential difficulties I may come across is the quality of images being poor, to avoid this I will make sure to book in a time to use the professional cameras to get the highest quality photos as possible. Furthermore, I may be unable to get varied models, therefore may have to change my model images to suit the models at hand.

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